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DatenbankTabellenKopie erstellen

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  • DatenbankTabellenKopie erstellen

    Hallo zusammen ich möchte eine Kopüie einer Tabeller erstellen kann mir jemand dabei helfen???

  • #2
    SELECT field1[, field2[, ...]] INTO newtable [IN externaldatabase]
    FROM source

    The SELECT INTO statement is used to create a make-table query. It is especially useful for making backup copies of tables and reports, or for archiving records. The following example makes a backup copy of the Customers table:

    SELECT * INTO [Customers Backup]
    FROM Customers;

    You can also copy tables into another database by using the IN clause:

    SELECT Suppliers.* INTO Suppliers IN 'Backup.mdb'
    FROM Suppliers;

    You don't need to copy the whole table. If you only want to copy a few fields, you can do so by listing them after the SELECT statement. The following query creates a Fiddlers table by extracting the names of fiddlers from a Musicians table:

    SELECT Name INTO Fiddlers
    FROM Musicians
    WHERE Instrument = 'fiddle';

    The fields which you copy into a new table need not come from just one table. You can copy from multiple tables as demonstrated in the next example which selects fields from the two tables Suppliers and Products to create a new table for Mexican Suppliers:

    SELECT Suppliers.Name, Product, Products.UnitPrice
    INTO [Mexican Suppliers]
    FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products
    ON Suppliers.ProductID = Products.ProductID
    WHERE Suppliers.Country = 'Mexico';

    The SELECT...INTO statement doesn't define a primary key for the new table, so you may want to do that manually

