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SQL Server Desktop Engine einrichten

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  • SQL Server Desktop Engine einrichten


    wie füge ich dem SQL server Desktop Engine eine Nutzer hinzu welcher Datenbanken erstellen kann?
    Im Moment werde ich immer mit dem Spruch "keine Vertraute SQL Verbindung zugeordnet" abgekanzelt.

    Was um Himmels Willen mach ich falsch/hab ich vergessen???

    Bitte schnelle Hilfe

    mfG Jörg

  • #2

    du must die msde datanbank neu installieren und zum setup folgenden parameter hinzufügen: SECURITYMODE=SQL
    damit wird die sql anmeldung an die datenbank erlaubt und der standard benutzer "sa" ohne passwort eingerichtet.



    • #3

      Wie installiere ich denn die MSDE Datenbank neu???

      mfG Jör


      • #4
        zuerst MSDE deinstalliern. sonst muss man einen weiteren parameter <br>zur installation hinzufügen der den namen des servers verändert(es wird sonst immer der computername genommen). nachzulesen in einer <br>text datei (den genauen namen fällt mir grad <br>nicht ein) die nach dem entpacken bei der setup.exe liegt.<br>
        wenn du sie setup.msi der MSDE aufrufst werden die Dateien die für <br>die installation benötigt werden in das angegebene verzeichnis <br>entpackt. in dem verzeichniss liegt dann eine setup.exe. die muss <br>dann wie folgt aufgerufen werden:<br>
        setup SECURITYMODE=SQL<br>


        • #5
          Das ist die Optionsbeschreibung für das MSDE Setup, villeicht hilft es Dir.



          Customizing Desktop Engine Setup

          New Information - SQL Server 2000 SP3.

          You can customize many of the default installation parameters for Setup.exe and then redistribute it for automated installation using shell scripts and other installation programs. You can configure Setup.exe by using either command-prompt switches or an .ini file. You can also run Setup.exe from within another Microsoft® Windows® application through a call to the Win32® CreateProcess() function, passing setup switches in a character string using the lpCommandLine parameter. For information about using CreateProcess() to execute Setup.exe, see Desktop Engine Installation Samples.

          Security Note Installation with a blank sa password is strongly discouraged. The Installer's default behavior is to require that an sa password be set using the SAPWD argument. This requirement can be overridden by setting BLANKSAPWD=1.

          setup [/?]


          [ /i package_file

          [ /settings ini_file ]

          | [ [ BLANKSAPWD=1 ]

          [ CALLBACK=Dllname!CallbackFunctionName ]

          [ COLLATION="collation_name" ]

          [ DATADIR="data_folder_path" ]

          [ INSTANCENAME="instance_name" ]

          [ SAPWD="sa_password" ]

          [ SECURITYMODE=SQL ]

          [ TARGETDIR="executable_folder_path" ]

          [ UPGRADE=1 ]

          [ UPGRADEUSER=sa ]



          [ /L*v [filename] ]

          [ /p SQLRunnn.msp | SQLRUN ]

          [ /qn | /qb ]

          [ /x package_name ]



          Displays a syntax summary of the setup switches.

          Important Because setup displays more switches than it accepts, use only the switches documented in this topic.

          /i package_file

          Specifies the name of the Windows Installer installation package file (an .msi file) to be used to install an instance of the Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 Desktop Engine. Place the .msi file in the same folder as Setup.exe. If /i is not specified, copy all 16 of the .msi files from the \\MSDE\\Setup folder on the SQL Server 2000 compact disc to the folder in which Setup.exe is located.

          Caution It is possible to overwrite an instance by mistake. You must check for instances that are already present, including instances installed by other vendors' software.

          settings ini_file_name

          Specifies the name of an .ini file containing settings for TARGETDIR, DATADIR, INSTANCENAME, COLLATION, and SECURITYMODE. If /settings is specified, these options should be set in the .ini file, not in the command prompt switches. Place the .ini file in the folder where Setup.exe is located.


          Overrides the Installer's default behavior, which is to prohibit installation with a blank sa password. If you set BLANKSAPWD=1, the Installer allows installation with a blank sa password. It is highly recommended that you never use this option.


          Specifies the name of the DLL containing the Desktop Engine Windows Installer callback function, and the name of the callback function. For more information, see Windows Installer Callback Functions for Desktop Engine.


          Specifies the SQL Server collation that will be used as the default collation for this instance of the Desktop Engine. For information about collation names, see Windows Collation Name and SQL Collation Name.


          Specifies the folder where the SQL Server system databases are built. The default is the same folder used for the Desktop Engine executable files. The file path for this parameter must end with a backslash (\\).


          Specifies the name for the instance. If no instance name is specified, the instance is installed


          • #6

            Mit der 14-Tage Demo des MSDE Manager von Vale ( kann man mit beiden Varianten zur Datenbank verbinden und zb. solche User erstellen, den SQL Authentifikationsmode aktivieren etc

